Corporate Social Responsibilty & Salient Human Rights Policy

We are determined to address our salient human rights issues wherever they arise


Framptons Ltd
76 Charlton Road
Shepton Mallet

Tel: 00 44 (0) 1749 341000

We employ 201 members of staff on our site in Shepton Mallet and our annual turnover is £40.3 million. Framptons Ltd is owned by Profura AB.

Our Board of Directors made up of Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, Business Development Director and Finance Director


As a relatively small business we take BIG steps to be responsible by:

  • Introducing innovative sustainable practices
  • Caring for our employees, our customers and our local community
  • Providing ongoing and extensive training for our staff and encouraging growth within our team
  • Sharing our profits with our employees via our Profit Share Scheme
  • Sharing our expertise with organisations both locally and worldwide

We take responsibility for the impact of our business on society and the environment.



  • We are passionate about the business
  • We act with integrity and respect
  • We are all accountable
  • We are one team

Framptons Ltd does not exist in isolation. Its employees depend on it making money. Customers, suppliers and the local community are all affected by what we do. Our products, and the way they are made, also have an impact on the environment and Human Rights.


Corporate Social Responsibility is about understanding the business impact on the wider world and how to use this impact in a positive way. It means taking a responsible attitude, going beyond the minimum legal requirements and following straightforward principles.


CSR Considerations

Corporate Social Responsibility is part of almost everything we do:

Suppliers – who we choose and how we deal with them, for example, trading with suppliers who pollute the environment could be as irresponsible as doing so yourself.

Our employees – we care about our employees by doing more and providing more than simply complying with legal requirements. This ensures we are ready to cope with new laws and changes to legislation.

Local community – how our business affects the local community, and whether we should be more actively involved.

Environment – how can we use resources more efficiently and reduce pollution and waste? As well as helping the environment, this avoids costs such as wasted energy or unnecessary fees for the disposal of waste. We have won many awards for our Sustainability practices.


Benefits of CSR

Corporate Social Responsibility isn’t just about doing the right thing; it means behaving responsibly and dealing with suppliers who do the same. It also offers direct business benefits. Building a reputation as a responsible business sets us apart. Companies often favour suppliers who demonstrate responsible policies, as this can have a positive impact on how they are perceived by customers.

Reducing resource use, waste and emissions doesn’t just help the environment, it saves money too. It’s not difficult to cut utility bills and waste disposal costs which reaps immediate cash benefits. A good reputation makes it easier to recruit and retain employees; it can ensure employees are better motivated and more productive. Activities such as involvement with the local community are ideal opportunities to generate positive publicity and we support many local charities within our local area.

Our commitment to our local area:

Our HSE Manager (Health, Safety and Environmental Manager) carries out regular external noise assessments, to measure the noise impact on our local area and neighbours.

We also hold a PPC (Pollution Prevention & Control) permit for our pollution controls which is available for public viewing.

The company is actively working towards the 14001 Environmental standards.

Good relationships with local authorities make doing business easier.

Environmental Impact

Even the simplest energy efficiency measures, like switching off lights and equipment when they aren’t needed, makes a real difference. Reducing the use of water also directly cuts costs and minimising waste makes a big difference. Simple steps like using less paper can immediately cut costs. More can be saved by thinking about waste implications when new products and production processes are designed.

Caring about the environment can increase revenue too because many customers prefer to trade with responsible companies.

There are all sorts of ways in which the environmental impact can be reduced, for example:

  • minimising waste
  • creating recyclable products
  • sourcing responsibly (e.g. using recycled materials)
  • minimising packaging
  • buying locally to save fuel costs
  • creating an efficient (and fuel-efficient) distribution network
  • working with suppliers and distributors who take steps to minimise their environmental impact


Our CSR Principles

  • To integrate our values and operations to meet the expectations of our customers, employees, suppliers, the community and the environment.
  • Our social, economic and environmental responsibilities are integral to our business. We aim to demonstrate this through our actions and policies.
  • All feedback received will be treated seriously and with open dialogue to ensure that we fulfil the requirements outlined within this policy.
  • The Directors are responsible for implementing this policy and the responsibility for performance in this area rests with all employees throughout the company.
  • To ensure a high level of business performance while minimising and managing risk effectively.
  • We shall continue to increase water efficiency and environmental improvement within the community.
  • We encourage dialogue with local communities for mutual benefit.
  • Customer complaints will be resolved promptly and in accordance with our standards of service.
  • An equal opportunities policy exists for all present and potential future employees.
  • Our employees will receive clear and fair terms of employment and resources (as appropriate) to enable their continual development.
  • A clear and fair employee remuneration policy exists, along with longstanding-maintained forums for employee consultation and business involvement.
  • We shall provide safeguards to ensure that all employees are treated with respect and dignity and without sexual, physical or mental harassment.
  • We shall provide, and strive to maintain, a clean, healthy and safe working environment.
  • We shall uphold the values of honesty, partnership and fairness in our relationships with stakeholders.
  • Our contracts will clearly set out the agreed terms, conditions and the basis of our relationship.
  • We will operate in a way that safeguards against unfair business practices.
  • We shall encourage suppliers and contractors to adopt responsible business policies and practices for mutual benefit.



We take our responsibilities towards social and environmental matters seriously and in conducting our business we aim to act in a responsible manner at all times. We will do this by respecting the environmental, economic, social, cultural, political and human rights impacts our activities have on those who work for us and on the surrounding environment.

In particular we have operational and employment policies and procedures that:

  • Comply with all local human rights legislation
  • Comply with all local employment and health and safety legislation
  • Involve cooperation from our supply chain partners
  • Ensure that regular employment is provided, and that employment is freely chosen and preclude the use of forced labour
  • Respect the rights of our employees
  • Ensure child labour is not used and young persons are employed only under circumstances which protect them from physical risk and do not disrupt their education
  • Ensure we do not tolerate any form of harassment in the workplace and no harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed
  • Create a healthy and safe work environment for each employee and ensure our conditions are safe, hygienic and healthy and prevent the disposal of waste products through non-authorised methods or processes
  • Ensure that working hours are not excessive and ‘living wages’ are paid/remuneration is reasonable and commensurate with a sensible work/life balance
  • Manage diversity to promote and capitalise on cultural and individual differences
  • Recognise the value that employees create and reward them with opportunities for personal and career development
  • Provide employees with equal opportunities regardless of their gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, race, religion, belief or national origin
  • Ensure that Freedom of Association is respected as is the right to be a member of a Trades Union
  • Ensure all employees are aware of our stance on ethical trading.



Framptons Ltd is committed to the highest standards of business and ethical behavior, including compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as company policies, practices and procedures.

We have robust systems in place to ensure we can address compliance breaches and give people who work for us, as well as external stakeholders, the ability to report grievances.

Framptons Ltd respects internationally recognised Human Rights, as established in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.

In line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Framptons Ltd recognises the corporate responsibility to respect these principles and commit to on-going human rights’ due diligence.

Furthermore, our efforts include ongoing robust systems with our business and major supply chain partners to mitigate potential human rights’ impacts beyond our direct control.

Our support of internationally recognised Human Rights is consistent with our dedication to enriching our workplace, partnering with our supply chain, preserving the environment and supporting the communities where we operate.

The objective of Framptons Ltd’s documented policies is to provide an overview of expectations for employees and business partners and our supply chain.

In addition, the Human Rights policy exists to:

  • Inform employees, business partners, supply chain and customers of Framptons’ commitment to human rights.
  • Our commitment to know and show our respect for human rights through on-going human rights’ due diligence to our Ethical commitments of SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) standards and the Ethical Trading Initiative base code. We are also long-term members of SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange), having joined in 2006.
  • We maintain and pride ourselves on high ethical standards.
  • We contribute to the realisation of human rights globally.

This policy applies to all Framptons Ltd employees, our Supply Chain and worldwide, anyone doing business for or with Framptons Ltd and others acting on Framptons’ behalf. This applies to all locations where Framptons Ltd conducts business and to all company-sponsored events.

Human rights are basic rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of nationality, place of residence, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status.

Framptons Ltd conducts its business in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of all people, complying with all applicable laws and regulations. Our policies reflect our commitment to respecting the protection of internationally recognised Human Rights.

All employment with Framptons Ltd is voluntary. We do not use child or forced labour in any of our operations or facilities. We do not tolerate any form of unacceptable treatment of workers, including but not limited to the exploitation of children, physical punishment or abuse, or involuntary servitude. We fully respect all applicable laws establishing a minimum age for employment, in order to support the effective abolition of child labour worldwide.

Framptons Ltd abides by all laws and regulations regarding pay practices and the classification of employment according to job level and status.

We respect our employees’ right to choose to join or not join a trade union, or to have recognised employee representation in accordance with local law.

Diversity is embraced at Framptons Ltd. We recognise that a diverse mix of backgrounds, skills and experiences drives new ideas, products, and services and provides us with a sustained competitive advantage:

We are one team.

We believe everyone should be treated with respect regardless of their background. We are committed to the elimination of discrimination based on gender, race, class, economic status, ethnic background, sexual orientation, age, political beliefs, veteran status, marital status or any other protected class.

Our Supply Chain Management process includes the requirement for all Tier 1 suppliers to adhere to Framptons’ Labour Standards and Code of Conduct policies.

In addition to this, Framptons Ltd is committed to the following principles:

  • Framptons Ltd respects all human rights.
  • Framptons Ltd commits to conducting on-going human rights’ due diligence to assess and mitigate potential human rights’ infringements.
  • Framptons Ltd expects those with whom it does business to respect all human rights.


Employees and suppliers are expected to comply with all applicable Framptons Ltd policies. Violation of these policies, or the refusal to cooperate, will result in formal action and/or referral to the appropriate authorities. Where we have sound reason to believe that our partner organisations infringe Human Rights we reserve the right to cease those relationships as warranted.

Specific to this policy, employees and suppliers are expected to: Never infringe human rights’ principles.

Be alert to any evidence of human rights’ infringements in our direct operations or in the operations of our business partners and suppliers and report any situation in which a human rights’ infringement is suspected.

This policy reinforces our other relevant policies including No Child or Forced Labour policy, Diversity and Inclusion policy, Freedom of Association policy and Wage and Hour Practices policy. For further information regarding human rights, please refer to:

  • UN guiding Principles of Human Rights –
  • UNGP Responsibilities –

Framptons Ltd has a Whistle blowing Policy:

Have you witnessed something relating to Framptons Ltd that you feel is corrupt, illegal, unethical or undesirable?

Call us on – 01749 341093 or email us in complete confidence:

Whistle Blowing reporting – email:

This Policy is located on our Website:


This Policy is also shared with our Supply Chain as part of our Supplier and Raw Material approval systems.